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Author(s):      Wee Kheng Tan , Yung Lun Chung
ISBN:      978-972-8924-89-8
Editors:      Sandeep Krishnamurthy
Year:      2009
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      e-Purchase, e-Auction, Payment Method, AHP Method.
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      139
Last Page:      146
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      Payment is an inborn part in any e-transaction. Accompanied with any e-transaction is the idea of risk. This risk is more prevalent in e-auction than e-purchasing because for the former, the transaction parties are individuals and e-auction fraud is often being heard of. Different payment methods are in used or developed to address such fear. Cash, credit card and ATM transfer are some of the payment method used by online buyers. Another major trend is the intertwining of cash and material flow, usually with payment being made at the same place and time the buyer gets the product. This research uses two types of online shopping, e-purchase (B2C) and e-auction (C2C) as the subjects of investigation. A set of criteria is also derived to account for the fact that buyers will consider many criteria to reach a decision on using which payment method. Since no single criteria can adequately explain the choice of buyers, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used for analysis. This research shows that buyers’ decision on the method of payment is a multicriteria consideration and the relative importance of the criteria reflects the nature of the transaction. From the buyer’s perspective, making payment always involve the risk of not receiving the product or the product is not as expected. Furthermore, the risk associated with online auction is more than online purchasing. As a result, buyers hope to lower the risk of the transaction by choosing payment method that safeguards their interest. Hence, risk-related criteria such as secure payment method and product’s price level are top on the list of importance and such consideration is regardless of the nature of transaction. However, such concern is moderated if the payment method is already widely used by buyers.

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